Insurance for your Amusement Devices
  • Balance, Strength, Flexibility, Endurance - EFX
  • Balance, Strength, Flexibility, Endurance - EFX
  • Balance, Strength, Flexibility, Endurance - EFX

Amusement rental devices such as inflatables, rock walls, eurobungies, and other devices have two different methods of rating.

One method is a price per unit, only the listed units are covered. This basis is usually ok for the smaller operator of 5 or less rental units. The second method is a percentage of your gross sales. You estimate what your sales will be for the next 12 months, and the company will apply a rate per thousand dollar of sales. This is usually a better option for operators with more than 5 rental units. Our staff will shop your insurance with several carriers to provide the lowest cost with the best coverages.

Insurance for your Amusement Devices
Cossio Insurance Agency LLC | PHONE: (864) 688-0121 | California License #0F69706